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GBC.emu Emulator (Paid)

April 8, 2024

GBC.emu Emulator APK (Mod)

Android 2.3+
Version 1.5.79
2.07 MB

APK (GBC.emu Pro):

GBC.emu is a classic Game Boy and Game Boy Color emulator with which you can play all those great titles of the past that bring us so many good memories from your mobile. It works with Gambatte, so you can expect a super smooth gaming experience because it’s optimized to consume few hardware resources on your mobile. In addition, it is ad-free and does not require extra settings or Bios to work at 100%. You can switch between different color palettes to spice up the original GB games, and use cheats in formats like Game Genie and Gameshark to get more out of your games. In addition, it supports .gb and .gbc files, and even compressed ones! And the best part is that the controls are super adaptable. Whether you prefer to touch the screen or use an external controller like a Bluetooth/USB gamepad, you have complete freedom to play the way you want! So if you’re a fan of Game Boy classics, the GBC.emu Pro emulator is a total must. It gives you that authentic feeling of playing like the old days, but with all the conveniences of today’s technology!